On a day I was feeling super bummed out and sad, I was flipping through Instagram and I heard this song! I wanted to share it with you because it is OK to cry shit! Sometimes it’s all you can do is cry… Then you feel better once you wipe all the boogies in tears away :-) does that happen with you and music too? Branden Jerrel has this entire song on Apple Music 2020 208-4586 records DK


When the world seems it’s too much to bear
Always know I’ll be standing right here - Right beside you
Remember you were never on your own
You can take my heart and hold it if you want
I will not deny the loving that you need
Oh my darling you’re the better part of me

It’s okay to cry sometimes
Don’t let anybody dim your light - just know that you’re worth it
Carry-on and all this pain
Don’t be ashamed, when God made you perfect💯🎶

Find Artists on Shazam like I did! This is how we find each other nowadays online… And then it becomes real and we can actually meet the people call Mike Suzi